Friday, November 16, 2012

Ngorongoro Crater - On a Tanzania Safari

Ngorongoro Crater is one of the worlds greatest natural spectacles, its magical setting and abundant wildlife never failing to enthral visitors. However the crater is just a small part of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area which offers a whole range of attractions for the adventurous traveler.

Ngorongoro Crater

Superb accommodation facilities, from excellent campsites to luxury lodge-ensure that you can relax at the end of each day in style. Everything about the Ngorongoro experience is designed to make your visit a real African Adventure Safari Holiday of a lifetime.

Set in the nothern Tanzania, sharing part of the serengeti plains to the north-west and with the towns of Arusha, Moshi and Mount Kilimanjaro, to the east, Ngorongoro forms part of the unique Serengeti ecosystem.

The terrain embraces several distinct habitats from open grassland to mountain forest, and from scrub bushland to highland heath. The area contains sites of international paleontological and archaeological importance. Around 25,000 animals live in the crater throughout the year.

The jewel in the Ngorongoro crown is a deep volcanic crater- the largest unflooded and unbroken caldera in the world - 19.2 km in diameter and 610 m deep and 304 sq km in area. The rich pasture and permanent water of the crater floor supports a huge resident population of wildlife of up to 25,000 - predominantly grazing animals. These include wildebeest, Zebra, Gazelle, Buffalo, Kongoni and warthog. the swamps and forest provide additional resources for Hippo, Elephant, Waterbuck, Bushbuck, baboons and Monkeys. The steep inner slopes provide a habitat for the more shy species like the dikdik and the rare mountain reedbuck.

Predatory animals like the Lion, Leopard, Cheetah and serval cats live off the abundant wildlife while the large packs of hyena roam the crater floor making their own kills and scavenging from others. The crater is a dynamic and constantly changing ecosystem providing a vital source of nourishment to the wildlife inhabiting it.

 Contact us for all your safari needs to Ngorongoro Tanzania. An important and worthwhile destination for your next safari holiday to Africa